Three reasons women’s mental health matters

Did you know that women face more mental health issues compared to men? According to Statista, 27.2% of women are currently facing mental illness, compared to 18.1% of men.


While significant progress has been made in recent years, the women’s mental health epidemic is still often overlooked. Here are a few reasons why women’s mental health matters. 

Women are significantly more likely to experience anxiety and depression in their life. 



Studies show that women are nearly twice as likely to face significant anxiety at some point as men. Additionally, women that have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder are also more likely than men to be given a secondary diagnosis of another anxiety disorder, depression or bulimia nervosa. 


The mental load that comes with being a woman is part of what makes these statistics a reality. Women handle stress differently than men — and that’s OK, but that may also lead to increased instances of anxiety and depression in women. 


Women are more likely to be dismissed when seeking mental health support.


A 2022 study shows that women were much more likely than men to report needing mental healthcare. Here’s the deal: nearly 40% of the women who raised their hands and said, “I need help” ultimately chose not to pursue treatment. What’s worse is that 10% of the women who sought mental healthcare didn’t receive the help they needed. 


If you feel like doctors have dismissed you in the past for mental health concerns, it might not just be in your head. Unfortunately, there’s still a significant gender bias against women in mental healthcare that needs to be addressed. Women are much more likely than men to be turned away or incorrectly diagnosed by healthcare professionals, including in mental healthcare. But, do not give up.  


The symptoms of mental health disorders often present differently in women. 


Women and men are not the same. That means that mental health issues may present differently in women vs. men. For example, teen girls are more likely to internalize their mental health issues (think eating disorders, etc.) while teen boys are more likely to act out, according to News Medical.


While more research has been done in recent years, there is still much more work to be done to close the gender research gap in mental healthcare. It’s time to start recognizing and acting like women’s mental health is important.

The bottom line: Women, you don’t have to struggle alone with your mental health.

Life is complicated and messy. When it comes to mental health, we believe there’s no one-size-fits all. At Halcyon Therapy Group, we understand just how important you and your unique situation and perspectives are. That’s why we offer a suite of services tailored specifically to you and your needs. You deserve better, and we are here to help. Book your complimentary consultation today and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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