15 questions to ask your partner to deepen your intimacy

It can be easy to become complacent in relationships. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, it may seem like you already know everything about each other. However, relationships shouldn’t become stagnant. They require work to stay healthy and strong. Here are 15 questions to ask your partner to deepen your intimacy.

What does the word intimacy mean?


Intimacy is defined as “a feeling of closeness and connection in an interpersonal relationship.” Sometimes people only think of intimacy as physical, but there are actually four main types of intimacy:

  • Physical intimacy

  • Emotional intimacy

  • Experiential intimacy

  • Spiritual intimacy 


Intimacy is essential for any relationship to remain strong and healthy. Benefits of intimacy include:

  • A sense of security for each party in the relationship

  • Increased trust 

  • Lower stress levels 

  • Health benefits — Studies show that regular physical touch can actually lower blood pressure, increase oxytocin, and lower cortisol levels. 


So, are you looking for ways to create a more intimate connection with your partner? One of the best ways to foster intimacy is to continue learning about your partner through asking questions. 


15 questions to ask your partner to deepen intimacy


As your relationship grows, it's easy to become complacent. Taking the time to invest in your partner on a regular basis can help you deepen your intimacy. Here are some questions to help you foster conversation to increase intimacy with your partner: 

  1. What was the first thing you noticed about me when you met me? Why did it attract you to me?

  2. What has been your favorite moment we’ve shared together so far?

  3. What do you think our strengths are?

  4. What do you think our weaknesses are?

  5. What is your favorite part of our relationship? What is something that we should work on?

  6. What is your love language? What do you think my love language is?

  7. What is something I can do to cheer you up or make you feel loved when you’re feeling down?

  8. What are five things that are on your bucket list? When and why do you want to accomplish them?

  9. What do you think your three strongest qualities are? What do you think mine are?

  10. What is something you’ve always wanted to tell me but haven’t?

  11. What are three things you look forward to in the near future?

  12. How can we continue to maintain and improve trust?

  13. How could we improve our sex life?

  14. What has been the most surprising thing about me?

  15. What is a way that you say ‘I love you’ without verbally saying it? 

You’ve worked too hard to be unhappy

Life is complicated and messy. When it comes to mental health, we believe there’s no one-size-fits all. At Halcyon Therapy Group, we understand just how important you and your unique situation and perspectives are. That’s why we offer a suite of services tailored specifically to you and your needs. You deserve better, and we are here to help. Book your complimentary consultation today and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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