Stay-at-home mom depression: What’s “normal” and what’s a warning sign

Contrary to popular belief, being a stay-at-home mom is not a plum job. It’s not just a cake walk of staying at home all day with the kids. It’s juggling all of the household duties, dealing with all the temper tantrums, changing all the diapers, cleaning up the messes, and more. In a world of keeping up with the Instagram and Pinterest appearances, is it any wonder stay-at-home moms are extremely vulnerable to depression?


The feelings of depression crashing down on you doesn’t have to be a permanent fixture in your life. You shouldn’t feel ashamed for feeling depressed. Your emotions are valid. The good news is, a therapist can help you reclaim your joy. 

Depressed stay-at-home moms are more common than you might think


In the trenches of depression, you may find some solace in the knowledge that you are not alone. In fact, 28% of stay-at-home moms experience depression, 50% feel stressed, 26% feel sadness, and 41% worry about their families.


Emotions are a natural part of life — the good and the bad. We cannot fully enjoy the happiness in life without the occasional struggles. There is no shame in seeking help when you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom. It shows great strength and courage to admit you need help with your struggle with depression.

Signs of depression in a stay-at-home mom

Moms are the carriers of the family mental load. We’ve become quite adept at hiding our struggles lest we break the perfect social media facade. Signs of depression in a stay-at-home mom you should watch for can include:

  • Changes in appetite — Foods you used to enjoy now sound unappealing, or perhaps you can’t stop overindulging. Either extreme could be a sign you’re not feeling completely yourself.

  • Changes in sleep — Do you find yourself tossing and turning or sleepless nights? Or perhaps you sleep and feel like you could still sleep for days. Drastic changes in your sleep pattern could lead to other issues.

  • Loss of interest — You suddenly find yourself struggling to be engaged with your favorite pastimes or hobbies. 

  • Feeling overwhelmed — Your to do list is never ending. The laundry is multiplying. The kids have ten thousand activities all at the same time all over town. It’s beyond overwhelming, wearing all the hats of motherhood. 

  • Loss of energy — Constantly feeling overwhelmed and struggling to sleep, it’s not hard to imagine your energy levels are zapped and you have no motivation. Netflix to escape, please?

  • Mom guilt — The epitome of dread for mothers everywhere. You feel like you’re not a good mom because you’re not a Pinterest perfect mom. Let. It. Go. Breathe in. Breathe out. You are a GOOD mom. 

  • Regretting having kids — We’ve all been there. Any mom who says otherwise has buried the rock bottom feelings well. It’s not a stretch to occasionally hate being a mom when you’re at your breaking point. Just remember, you are still a good mom even when the thought of running away seems very appealing. 

  • Thoughts of harm — If you find yourself thinking of death, harming yourself, or harming your children, you should immediately seek help. This can be a sign your depression has spiraled too far out of control and professional help is desperately needed. 

How can I cope with my depression as a stay-at-home mom?

We hear self care thrown around about a lot these days. You may feel as a stay-at-home mom it’s selfish to take time for yourself. It’s anything but selfish. It’s vital you take care of yourself in order to take the best care of your family. You cannot pour from an empty cup! There are numerous ways to treat yourself to some well deserved self care. Some examples of self care can include:

  • Therapy — A good therapist can be invaluable. A therapist can help you find the best ways to cope with your depression. 

  • Your village — Finding a good support system of friends, possibly made up of other stay-at-home moms can be extremely beneficial. You all are in the trenches together and can fully understand what you all are going through. 

  • Exercise — Physical exertion is a natural mood booster. It may take some trial and error to find a plan to fit in with your schedule. 

  • Write — Write it out. Getting your emotions and struggles out on paper can be cathartic. Get it out and let it go!

  • Be realistic — Keep in mind social media is only what others want us to see. You don’t see the behind the scenes messes and tantrums. You are a GOOD mom!

Depression doesn’t have to ruin your stay-at-home mom journey

Life is complicated and messy. When it comes to mental health, we believe there’s no one-size-fits-all. At Halcyon Therapy Group, we understand just how important you and your unique situation and perspectives are. That’s why we offer a suite of services tailored specifically to you and your needs. You deserve better, and we are here to help. Book your complimentary consultation today and start living the life you always dreamed of. 

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